"The Shadow Magazine" (April 1st, 1941)

"Ten Shadows in ten different poses marked this cover of the "Tenth Anniversary Number" as definitely unique. It involved a plotter called "The Time Master", who toyed with time once too often when he met the Timeless Shadow."
-- from "The Shadow Scrapbook" by Walter B. Gibson
April 1st, 1941. The "10th Anniversary Number". Cover by Graves Gladney.

This is my favourite Shadow pulp and it is in excellent condition. "The 10th Anniversary Number" has an amazing cover, almost a character style sheet for The Shadow. Inside, besides the story "The Time Master", there is an article covering the first decade of the Shadow's career, which you can find below.

And no, there weren't only three ratio stations broadcasting the adventures of The Shadow... The list continues on the next page, which is a column in very small letters (I didn't count them). It was impossible to miss an adventure!


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