Corsários (Tipográfica, Portugal, 1944-45)

In my quest to make some sense of my collection, I found this, which is surely is an oddity amongst pulps. As far as I know there haven't been many (any?) pulps about pirates. This Portuguese offering from 1944-45 is a 16-page flimsy in black and white and one single illustration on the first page. The fact that some covers were repeated indicates a rather low-budget for the series, but nevertheless was fun reading. These are all I could ever find and seem to be fairly rare. Enjoy!


  1. "Uma Aventura nos Mares da China" (An Adventure in the China Seas)
  2. "Luta de Morte no Oceano Pacífico" (Fight to the Death in the Pacific)
  3. "A Mulher Pirata" (The Pirate Woman)
  4. "A Conquista do Diadema" (The Conquest of the Tiara)
  5. "Entre os Antropófagos" (Amongst the Cannibals)
  6. "A Conquista da Cidade de Gêlo" (Conquest of the Ice City)
  7. "A Derrota do Capitão Flint" (The Defeat of Captain Flint)
  8. "Na Fogueira do Rajah" (In the Fire of the Rajah)
  9. "Uma Expedição ao Polo Austral" (An Expedition to the Austral Pole)
  10. "Caça aos Bandidos Árabes" (Hunting the Arabian Bandits)
  11. "O Bloqueio de Guyaquil" (The Guyaquil Blockade)
  12. "O Rei dos Filibusteiros" (King of the Buccaneers)
  13. "O Navio Negro" (The Black Ship)
  14. "Na Cidadela dos Piratas" (In the Pirate Citadel)
  15. "Expedição para a Morte" (Expedition to Death)
  16. "Traição a Bordo!" (Treason On Board!)
  17. "O Falso Inquisidor" (The False Inquisitor)
  18. "Uma Incursão no Mar do Norte" (An Incursion Into the North Sea)
  19. "Luta de Gigantes" (Combat of Giants)
  20. "Fantasmas a Bordo" (Ghosts On Board)
  21. ?
  22. "Os Prisioneiros de Cambaia" (The Prisoners of Cambaia)
  23. "O Palácio da Morte" (The Palace of Death)


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