- "Uma Aventura nos Mares da China" (An Adventure in the China Seas)
- "Luta de Morte no Oceano Pacífico" (Fight to the Death in the Pacific)
- "A Mulher Pirata" (The Pirate Woman)
- "A Conquista do Diadema" (The Conquest of the Tiara)
- "Entre os Antropófagos" (Amongst the Cannibals)
- "A Conquista da Cidade de Gêlo" (Conquest of the Ice City)
- "A Derrota do Capitão Flint" (The Defeat of Captain Flint)
- "Na Fogueira do Rajah" (In the Fire of the Rajah)
- "Uma Expedição ao Polo Austral" (An Expedition to the Austral Pole)
- "Caça aos Bandidos Árabes" (Hunting the Arabian Bandits)
- "O Bloqueio de Guyaquil" (The Guyaquil Blockade)
- "O Rei dos Filibusteiros" (King of the Buccaneers)
- "O Navio Negro" (The Black Ship)
- "Na Cidadela dos Piratas" (In the Pirate Citadel)
- "Expedição para a Morte" (Expedition to Death)
- "Traição a Bordo!" (Treason On Board!)
- "O Falso Inquisidor" (The False Inquisitor)
- "Uma Incursão no Mar do Norte" (An Incursion Into the North Sea)
- "Luta de Gigantes" (Combat of Giants)
- "Fantasmas a Bordo" (Ghosts On Board)
- ?
- "Os Prisioneiros de Cambaia" (The Prisoners of Cambaia)
- "O Palácio da Morte" (The Palace of Death)
Corsários (Tipográfica, Portugal, 1944-45)
In my quest to make some sense of my collection, I found this, which is surely is an oddity amongst pulps. As far as I know there haven't been many (any?) pulps about pirates. This Portuguese offering from 1944-45 is a 16-page flimsy in black and white and one single illustration on the first page. The fact that some covers were repeated indicates a rather low-budget for the series, but nevertheless was fun reading. These are all I could ever find and seem to be fairly rare. Enjoy!